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6 Mar 2018

SkyLab Launches Newly Improved SkyLab Transport Accelerator™ (STA™)

SkyLab Holding (a member of Industrial Internet Consortium with Global HQ based in Singapore), has announced today the release of their newly improved STA™ to address critical topics such as latency, packet loss and congestion issues in wireless network.

SkyLab Transport Accelerator™ is designed to smoothen the journey of data packets across the unpredictable wireless environment. Many IoT sources initial many handshakes and create unnecessary traffic that wireless network cannot handle due to packet loss and network congestion. STA™ combines many traditional TCP connections and weave them into one link and thereby removes unnecessary handshakes that cause the slow start of the typical connections and significantly improves network work performance.

Other benefit of STA™ includes adaptive congestion control which allows just the right amount of data leading to a better bandwidth usage and enhances web service delivery. STA™ is able to recognize traffic congestion and routing conditions in real time to identify the best way to transfer data and protocol control signals between the data source and the destination and mitigate challenges posed by random events such packet loss, high latency and network congestion.

STA™ a network agnostic data transport accelerator, reduces network latency, increases throughput, and optimizes end to end transport layer performance between fixed and wireless media. It is available in the form of network appliance, virtual network function and data acceleration as a service.

Sean Kim, SkyLab Group CTO:

“Using SkyLab’s STA™, many applications such as high demand bi-directional IIoT services, bandwidth hungry video streaming, VOIP, real-time video recognition features can be improved. With real-time data delivery, insights over evolving wireless networks can be accelerated. Proactive decisions making can be realized efficiently.”

Gary Kwang, SkyLab Group CEO:

“By providing a reliable data gathering and aggregation architecture, SkyLab’s STA™, will empower our customers to achieve real time integrated operations control and situational awareness that will improve their global real time crisis management capabilities and situational response time.”

Dr. Richard Mark Soley, Ph.D., Executive Director, Industrial Internet Consortium:

“Transferring data quickly over heterogeneous wireless networks is critical for many companies for real-time decision making. We commend Industrial Internet Consortium member SkyLab for their innovation in addressing these key challenges with their transport accelerator for the industrial Internet.”

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